Vacuum controller

In cold chamber die casting, the alloy is forced into the mold cavity with such force and velocity that small quantities of air and gases are often trapped in the casting. If the casting is structural, heat treated, or porosity sensitive, air or gas inclusions usually result in rejection. This impacts directly on the die caster’s bottom line and in today’s competitive market, this preventable problem is no longer acceptable.

For high integrity casting where low or no porosity is required, the metal activated vacuum valve has no equal. In fact, before the shot occurs, a vacuum is drawn in both the shot sleeve and the mold cavity. The suction continues until the injection cycle has been completed. This reduces the chance of air and gas being trapped in the casting.

The CASTOOL Vacuum Valve closes immediately (in less than 3 milliseconds) by liquid metal pressure when the mold is filled. It is virtually unbreakable even under extreme conditions, and maintenance is minimal.

PLUS : Using the CASTOOL Vaccum Controller, the vaccum is consistently maintained.

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